Ferrán Navarro-Beltrán Birthday Party (2025)

1. FERRAN NAVARRO-BELTRAN, Film director. - faces.x.places

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  • Berlin in spring-summer and Barcelona in autumn-winter.

2. Rosa - International Sales - The Open Reel

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  • Ferran Navarro-Beltrán studied industrial engineering and has a degree in design at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. After working by graphic design studios and 10 years as a freelance, he studied script and audiovisual direction. He has written and directed the documentary feature film The Silent Generation (2020) and three short films: Rosa (2022), Forget-me-not (2018) and The Orchid (2016). The Silent Generation won 2 international awards and has been selected in almost 15 film festivals. The Orchid and Forget-me-not were selected in more than 160 international film festivals, including LGBT festivals in London, Los Angeles, New York, Hong Kong, Paris, Madrid and Amsterdam. He also continue to woks as graphic designer for films and series by HBO Max, Netflix, Prime Video and Movistar+: among titles, Everything Else (2022), Kleo (2022), Below Zero (2021), 3 caminos (2021) and Supernomal (2020).

3. Catalanism, the League of Nations and the National Minorities

  • Joaquín Beltrán Antolín, Amelia Sáiz López, Li Yingtao, Cai Yiping ... Rokayah Navarro García. 1a ilustracio_2000x800-min. Preface: Catalonia and the ...

  • The European national minorities after 1919 Initially, the League of Nations was hampered by three shortcomings: the defection of the United States, the exclusion of Germany and the absence of Russia. France demanded infeasible war reparations from Germany, the runaway inflation destabilised the fragile Weimar Republic, the French occupied the Ruhr between 1923 and 1925,…

4. Ferran Navarro-Beltrán, Graduado Superior en Diseño - BAU

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  • Graduado Superior en Diseño en la UPC. Combina su actividad entre el mundo de la docencia (BAU), el diseño gráfico y web (como freelance) y el audiovisual (como guionista y director). Después de trabajar en diferentes estudios de diseño gráfico, se estableció como freelance, especializándose en el d

5. Interview to Luis Cabrera: “When they hurt me, I didn't turn the other cheek”

  • 21 sep 2021 · We even threw a party to celebrate my birthday, with a cake that my grandmother managed to send me. Guitars and pot appeared, and we sang ...

  • Thanks to his tenacity, his personal rebelliousness and his untameable nature, Luis Cabrera (Arbuniel, Jaén, 1954) has been weaving an abundantly rich life story that he now explains in his memoir La vida no regalada [Not a Given Life] (Roca Editorial). A biographical novel that describes: Lorenzo Almendro, his alter ego, who rescues the humiliated child running around in outlandish outfits in a town in the Jaén mountains, from where, at the age of nine, he and his family will “be uprooted”; the beardless and intrepid adolescent who gets involved in the anti-Franco struggle and residents’ movements in Barcelona’s Verdum neighbourhood; and the hustler who travels Europe as a busker or the visionary who sets up the Taller de Músics [pioneering school in teaching jazz and modern music in Barcelona]. An interview by Teresa Sesé.

6. Superior Court Future Court Dates - Clark County

  • Motion Hearing #11 3RD PARTY DEFENDENT / MT TO CONTINUE TO BE HEARD @ 11am ... SANDRA NAVARRO vs GABRIEL VALDEZ, 2/7/2025, 9:00 AM, Readiness Hearing #4 ...

7. 'Nomeolvides', el amor LGTB a los 60 - Fotogramas

  • 6 mrt 2018 · El director Ferran Navarro-Beltrán ha presentado 'Nomeolvides', segundo de una serie de cuatro cortos que quieren dar visibilidad a las ...

  • El director Ferran Navarro-Beltrán ha presentado ‘Nomeolvides’, segundo de una serie de cuatro cortos que quieren dar visibilidad a las personas LGTBIQI+ mayores de 60 años. Luisa Gavasa y Gloria Muñoz son las protagonistas de esta película cuyo autor nos explica.




  • Beltrán-Leyva Organisation (BLO), which spawned the Guerreros Unidos. Within ... party till he was taken into the church. Some twenty gang members ...

Ferrán Navarro-Beltrán Birthday Party (2025)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.